Monday, December 30, 2019
Legal Issues in Construction - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3059 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Essay any type Tags: Contract Law Essay Did you like this example? Introduction The industry of construction is very vast in UK, which sometimes contributes to 10 percent of the total GDP of the country. Many commercial issues have been grappled with it, all of them were in sharp focus by the critical climate of economy, since the mid of 2008. The essential nature of a contract can be encapsulated by different definitions. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Legal Issues in Construction" essay for you Create order One definition which is very well understood in the context of business is considered it as an agreement which give rise to the obligations and the rights thereto, which are enforceable and recognized by the law. The parties to contract are free, since the foundation of contract is on agreement, freedom in the wide limits for agreeing on the obligations to which they wanted to be bounded. Doctrine of the freedom of contract is stated the same. This results in the bounding of the parties to contract at any rate in the context of commerce with the obligation of fulfillment, no matter whether appropriate or not. The doctrine of freedom gives the corollary that no person can be forced to enter into a contract. In the context of business it can be understood as about the terms of contract, if either party to the agreement can set aside, no matter how costly or inconvenient it is for other party and in the terms of money and wasted time. It is possible to walk away and stop the negot iation even the work has done in the proposed contractà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s anticipation. The parties in law are bounded when the contract is conclude. If a party cannot comply with the liability made of the contract, the other party of the contract can seek for the redress. This can be done, if needed, by compensation of losses in monetary terms due to the failure, the enforcement of the right to pay, or in some circumstances in which sufficient redress canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be provided an by an order due to which obligations are performed by the party. as An example when a consultants is failed in the performance of the services he/she is obliged to provide, the client of the said party can seek for the compensation of damages borne for obtaining the cost involved in the substitute performance i.e. services of other consultant. If the employer cannot perform the work he is obliged to by the contractor, the payment can be recovered in the form of debt. Concurrent liability in both tort and contract Every professional is owed to their clients a combination of duties such as fiduciary, statutory, tortious and contractual and to third parties the tortious duties. There have been a lot of cases, with relation to the concurrence of the responsibilities, especially in the field of medicine, which places doctors in contract for having concurrent responsibility and for physical injury in tort to their patients. Concurrent liability also covers financial losses as in the case of Henderson v Merrett Syndicates 1995, in which there were many cases which involve the underwriting members of the names of Lloyds who sue their managing agents. In such cases the accountants, auditors and bankers had a significant effect. In a lot of circumstances there is adequate proximity existed between the professional and client for finding a coextensive care in tort. This still does avoid or exempt from the circular question about the scope determination of the duty in tort that is often focused on the inquiry of the terms agreed upon under contract to be done. Therefore for overcoming the deficiencies usage of tort will not work. Another point worth noting is that, in a contract the claim made in tort does no increase the obligations of the professional usually. The same is in the construction in which the contractual duties of the structural engineers is included in checking of the sufficiency of the fixing details and the drawings but this is not extended to the literal supervision of the fixingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ installations. If the contractual duties of these engineers are clear, these duties did not extend in the inclusion of supervision in a duty of care in tort. General responsibilities and duties and liability issues: Professional duties contain three major areas which are as follows: Express and Implied terms i.e. Contractual Statutory duties In the tort of Negligence The duties to the client would be found on as well as derived from the implied or express terms of the appointment clearly in most of the situations. It would be necessary to recognize from the beginning accurately what the role of the professional advisor was in bringing a claim or securing a claim. As an example, if the standard form of appointment is adopted, it often works as a reference to a schedule of some form or other which contains work stages of the professional advisers about the work description. This needs completion as it will give the point of start I the determination of the role of the consultant and thereby provide their obligations. If as an example, a problem rises with the building then the identification of the specific service is needed, which should have been performed by the professional advisor and which has not been performed sufficiently. It is needed that the claim should be particularized and should not be treated simply, for example the guarant eeing of end product by Architect à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" i.e. creation of a building which is free from defects completely, as the claim is based. The buildingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s defects or problems cannot be simply listed out and asserted that is the fault of the Architect due to the general failure of performance in his duties via the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur. The fact is remained that is the complete particularization of the claim in proper manner is the obligation of the claimant including the identification of particular areas of the consultantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s failure or was wanton the care of them. Claim A Claim is a statement of relief desired through a civil judicial proceeding where one party sues another for a wrong done, or to protect a right or to prevent a wrong. A statement of claims contains the legal documents. In modern construction field, contracts have been performing a greater share of role in claims against constructions. The books of law require th e clauses contained in it, to be followed with regards to several factors involved in the post contract administration. When a claim is submitted by the contractors, the relevant contract clauses have to be referred by them that are in accordance with the contract between the parties. The claims without the reference of relevant clauses are considered as invalidated. It is, therefore, mandatory for the contractors of a project to form conditions of contract. A contract means a bilateral agreement made prior to the execution of works with mutual understanding, in a construction project, between two or more parties. Most of times, claims are generated by the contractor to the client. For the employers, claim exhibit an enhanced cost of the project and conversely a claim can be a source of further earning for contractors, from the budget of the project. Basis of claims in construction industry Claims are mostly resulted by the certain events under the contract. These events happen and end with making an entitlement of a remedy that is mentioned in the contract under the specific provision of terms. These events can be described in two types, first these are specified under the contract and they might happen to occur. While second, the events that occur due to a breach of specific condition provided in the contract, which entitles the claimant to get remedy in case of non availability or partial availability of such stipulations along with the claim, arising out of the contract on the basis of such conditions where some or one of the terms in the contract have been breached and not remedy is designated. The remedy is subject to the validity of claim and will be designated in accordance with the applicable law of contact. A valid claim under the applicable law of the contact is based on the applicability of certain legal rule or principle. If the claim is held valid, the r emedy is due generally in a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"just and equitableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ award keeping in view the circumstances that are specific to the case. The complete understanding of the entire needs and processes of the contract are crucial so that the risks of construction could be diminished that might result avoidable problems including litigation, claims, shoddy works and reworks along with loss of future business relations. The disputes related to construction might create several impacts that are disadvantageous. If these disputes are not appropriately managed, the result will occur in shape of project delays, undermining of team spirit, increased costs of projects and on the whole, the damage will occur in continuing business relationships. The appropriate sharing of responsibilities is a major element in terms of determination whether a specific contract of construction has to be recognized as a good contract. According to McCallum (2002), a good contract plainly informs a party about the steps to be taken and the responsibilities thereon. The contract also give detailed information to each party about their rights and if any one of the party fails to perform accordingly as defined, it determines the possible problems and gives a clear resolution and strikes the parties in such a way that proper allocation of responsibilities and risks could be determined. A good contract is indeed made of well drafted drawings and specifications that give the information to the contractors about what he has to do in order to earn the promised compensation. It also provides a way to determine if the objectives have been achieved. Causes of Disputes SITE ISSUES unfavorable site circumstances essential approvals that might have not been attained or might have been obtained only subject to unforeseen stipulation Archeological and civilizing discoveries of heritage Inappropriate access to the site Project site might be subject to non-validity of endorsement Any ecological issue leading towards delay and additional expenditure such as nonstop rain and high speed wind. DESIGN CONSTRUCT AND COMMISIONING ISSUES  · Design of the site is incompetent of delivering the service at predictable cost  · Construction actions take place during construction which delays the project from being delivered on time and on actual cost  · Commissioning tests which are needed to be accomplished for the commencement of provision of services might not be completely achieved.  · Design co-ordination on drawing and construct based project. SPONSOR AND FINANTIAL ISSUES  · High interest rates might be unfavorable and influence the bid price Lack of sponsorship to finance the project because of economic crisis Tax rates variance in the policy by government before and after the end of project Financial issues occurring because of change in ownership OPERATING ISSUES  · Expected cost is less than required cost along with poor quality  · Design and construction quality is insufficient leading to higher repairs and renovation cost  · Change in production requirement outside the decided range  · Subcontractor does not succeed in supplying the necessary service. POLITICAL AND SOCIETAL  · Change in policy by law during the proceeding of the project  · Change in rules during the construction of the project  · Extra approval needed during the construction of the project which is outside the contract such as labor strike and disputes. EXCULPATARY CLAUSES ISSUES  · Indemnity Clauses  · Inspecting site prior to the contractà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s award  · Liquidation Damages  · No delayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s damage Construction Contracts Disputes may come up when a property owner and a contractor become bound in construction contract. The terms of construction contracts usually define the way of resolving disputes, and also outline the duties and obligations of property owner and contractor. Significantly, the construction contracts will provide compensation if a promise is not performed by any of the party bounded in a contract. Construction Delays Delays are often experienced by the construction projects. There are some circumstances or unexpected situations which are not in control of owner and contractor. The question arises here is that if a delay in a project can occur, the owner can have recovery from the contractor or not. Excusable Delays The provisions of construction contract outline the particular cases where the contractor excuses for delay in project. The construction contracts usually have excuse delay which is caused by: Situations caused by nature calamity Issues and problems with labor Changing in design or project by owner Contractors are often provided by contracts an extended time if there is excusable delay. Typically, the contractor is required for giving the notice to owner with the reason of delay. Acceleration of a Construction Contract Acceleration may occur when the contractor is compelled by a property owner for the completing the project before time. But, it may conversely increase the price of contract because it than requires extra manpower for completing the project ahead of time. Constructive Acceleration Constructive acceleration may be occurred when the owner refuses the extension of time to the contractor for either reasonable request for time extension or an excusable delay. The contractor, through constructive acceleration, may recover for further expenses brought upon him for the refusal by owner. However, a contractor accelerates the performance actually and incurs additional costs for recovering under the doctrine of constructive acceleration. Mechanics Liens A material mens lien or mechanicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s lien is referred to a technique used by the employed contractors to improve the real property for ensuring that owner of the property will pay them for materials and services performed. If the owner of property doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t pay for material or services, a court proceeding can be initiated by the mechanic for enforcing the lien often convincing property selling for paying for the materials and services. Dispute resolution methods The discussion about construction disputes from legal aspect is not supposed to be completed if would be done without discussing different dispute resolution methods. Some of them are discussed below: Architect/initial decision maker It is provided by some contracts that the initial decision maker is design professional. Even it is provided by others that the decision of design professional is binding all parties. The equationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s contractor side has felt over the yea r that these procedures are considered as unfair if design professional is working for the owner. Newer contracts therefore have the parties that decide either the design professional will resolve the disputes or not. Dispute resolution boards (DRBs) DRBs are now provided by many contracts which are consisted of senior/retired persons, who were involved actively in construction industry, like executives, managers, and project engineers. The truncated hearings are conducted by these individuals and then provide decisions in accordance with disputes that the parties bring before or during the projects. Though, the decisions of DRB is allowable in an arbitration setting or in a court, they are not often binding on parties. Mediation Mediation is considered as most satisfactory method for dispute resolution, whether it is applied during or after the completion of project. It can early occur in the process as parties are capable of organizing meditation and identifying a medi ator which is agreed mutually. A mediation however is successful after the parties; their consultants and attorneys have had an opportunity of reviewing the project file of other side, and prepare whatever may be essential. Mediations are non-binding, a neutral mediator is involved by them to understand the position of each side and then settle the disputes between parties and bring them together. Arbitration Arbitration during the course of 80s and 90s was the considered as the most favorable form to resolve the disputes between parties in construction industry, at least when the owner was capable of dictating the dispute resolution form. Arbitration was speedy and economical both because the arbitrators and the parties both manage the schedule in accordance with their ease. There was no jury and appeal unless the parties were agreed. At last, the arbitration panel was consisted of people who have sufficient knowledge about the construction industry. Arbitrations in contem porary era have fallen in disfavor up to some extent, which is because of numbers of parties who complained that arbitrators just à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“split the babyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . They have also an objection to common practice that it is not necessary for an arbitrator to follow law but instead did equity, basically ignoring the contractual statutory and provisions and judicial law that governed the obligations and rights of the parties. Litigation It is a resolution of disputes in the court where every party is subjected to every form of discovery, like depositions, document production demands, admission request, and interrogations. Then, the parties have a trial by jury or by court. If parties are not satisfied with the outcomes, they have a right to appeal. Litigation historically has a reputation for being expensive and long process. That is the one main reason for why arbitration became a trend in construction disputes. However, arbitration has lost some of its luster at the same time; some federal courts and states made the process specifically less expensive and faster. Government claims procedures There are some requirements in the public sector that a contractor must file a government claim first and undergo the procedure of administrative hearing before proceeding to litigate or arbitrate their claims. Conclusion The law of obligations contains the law of torts and the law of contract. The obligations of a person mainly provide the basis on agreement in the law of contract. These are allocated just to the other party to the agreement but not to the persons in a general way. Obligations can be as rigid as well as comprehensive as the parties want and required by their agreements because the obligations allocated in the contract are based on the agreement. The obligations of a person are basically evaluated by general principles of law in the law of torts. Moreover, these are generally allocated to persons. They are articulated in the form of general standards of conduct because obligations allocated in the tort are compulsory as part of the general law. For instance, the obligation not to unjustly interfere with the use of a person or enjoyment of their land creates the basis of the tort of nuisance; the obligation to work out appropriate skill as well as care so as not to cause damage or injury to others creates the basis of the tort of negligence.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Theory Of The Design Argument - 1201 Words
Philosophy Test 1 Essay 1: In addition to the two criticisms that Hume makes of the design argument that are described in this chapter, Hume presents a third. He says that even if the design argument succeeds in showing that a designer made the universe (or the organisms in it), the argument does not succeed in establishing what characteristics that designer has. For this reason, the argument does not show that God exists. Is Hume’s claim correct? How seriously does this undermine the design argument? I think that Hume’s claim that the design argument does not succeed in establishing what characteristics the designer has is valid. Paley’s design argument poses the existence of the watch on the beach as if the person who found the watch had no knowledge of what a watch was (Sober, pg. 55). If the person comes to the conclusion that it is more plausible for this unknown piece of machinery to have a designer than come together of random actions, then the person is coming to that conclusion without ever seeing or having observed a watchmaker. This can be seen as a direct analogy between the watchmaker and the watch and the universe and a creator. If the beachgoer in Paley’s argument had no knowledge of what the watch was, how would they know what a watchmaker was? The finder of the watch on the beach may be able to assume that someone made this piece of machinery, but without that finder having knowledge of what a watch or watchmaker is, there is no way for the finder toShow MoreRelatedThe Design Argument : The Theory Argument1608 Words  | 7 PagesThe Design Argument In the past hundred years, a great debate has shaken the foundation religious and scientific beliefs of society. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
African Americans in Civil War Free Essays
When the Civil War began in 1861 it began for many political reasons all of the reasons were affected by slavery, but the war was not entirely about slavery. It is a belief that President Lincoln and the north started the war because they were fighting for slavery, but this common belief in not completely true. They fought to protect the Union. We will write a custom essay sample on African Americans in Civil War or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because of the willingness of the African Americans to fight in the war they changed the idea of slavery and new reasons for the fighting of one of the bloodiest wars in the history of the world. African Americans changed the Civil War, consequently changing the world as we know it. At the beginning of the war the question was asked â€Å"†¦what shall be done with them [slaves]? †(Document A). Because the North/Union had only heard of blacks and slaves, they did not know what they should do with them in the war. This also shows that runway slaves were fleeing to the Union, but the Union did not have a policy for them. Because of the lack of a policy the U. S. Congress passed the Confiscation Act of 1861. The Act stripped the slaves owners of any claim to the slaves, but it did not explain whether the slaves were free or not. As a result, these slaves became property of the U. S. government. In a domino affect of the Confiscation Act, General David Hunter, of the Union Army, freed all slaves within his command, which consisted of Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. Only about a week later did Lincoln rebuttal the order and slaves became property of the government again. During this same time there was a mass meeting of African Americans to discuss President Lincoln’s call for colonization of Blacks in Central America. (Document B). Also mentioned in this article is that there are millions of freed blacks, but most of them have moved to the Union side, which brings about the question â€Å"†¦what shall be done with them? †Although the war did not start as a war about slavery rather than to keep the Union, but that changed due to the Emancipation Proclamation which was passed by President Abraham Lincoln. This only freed slaves where the rebellion had already begun, but it also showed the moral side of the war. The blacks that were already freed were willing to fight in the war, and risk their lives for the Union. This dedication to the Union is shown in the picture of Lady Liberty and a wounded black solider (Document G). The freed slaves fought in the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment for the Union, which was an infantry group that was for all black men. They fought hard which caused Abraham Lincoln to continue with his plans to free all slaves. (Document C). At the beginning of the war the slavery was an issue, but it wasn’t the reason the men were fighting for. However, due to the courage of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment and other brave soldiers it became a moral war rather than political. African Americans involvement in the Civil War helped shift it to a war for freedom of millions of slaves. Without the brave acts of many men and war hero’s this may not have been a strongly pushed issue by the leaders. The war went through an evolution due to the freed blacks. The country was changed forever because of the strong beliefs of many people in that era. How to cite African Americans in Civil War, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Final studyguide free essay sample
Final Exam is three pages long. It is a timed exam worth 250 points that you may enter only once. You have 3 hours, 30 minutes to complete the exam. It consists of 30 multiple answer questions worth 5 points each. There is one essay question worth 10 points and six essay questions worth 15 points each. Be sure to save and save often while you are working on the exam, and submit the exam when you are finished. The multiple answer questions have answer choices a, b, c, d, and e as multiple options. Read and study the course materials before you attempt this exam. Then access the exam and read the scenario, question, or statement. Then, choose the correct answer or answers. With multiple answer questions, one answer may be correct, all answers may be correct, or some combination of the a–e answer options may be correct. Partial credit is not allowed. With regards to the essay questions, to earn full credit, your response to each essay question should answer the question completely and average two- to three-paragraphs in length. The exam reflects the following course objectives and possible topics. Given a description of a typical business, demonstrate how that business acts within our economic system to achieve its goals as well as those of society, along with an understanding of how the future may impact these goals. Understand entrepreneurship and wealth building. Explain free market capitalism. Describe and explain how to start a new business. Describe and explain home-based entrepreneurial endeavors. Explain how intermediaries perform the six marketing utilities. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of trade protectionism. Compare the business-to-business market and the consumer market. Identify the new and traditional tools that make up the promotion mix. Define and apply common economic indicators. TCO 2; Chapter 4 and Bonus Chapter A; Week 3 Given the importance of ethics in business, be able to understand and address ethical dilemmas that may occur in workplace activities and offer suggestions to prevent their recurrence. Define and discuss the ethical and social responsibilities of business. Describe management’s role in setting ethical standards. Describe and apply a business code of ethics. Explain compliance-based business ethics and integrity-based ethics codes. Compare corporations’ responsibilities to various stakeholders. Describe and explain the role of U. S. businesses in influencing ethical behavior and social responsibility in global markets. Describe and explain sales law under the Uniform Commercial Code. Define the elements of a contract. Summarize several laws that regulate competition and protect consumers in the US Describe and explain the role of deregulation in the economy Given the need to increase profits through cost reductions, describe the use of globalization strategies to accomplish this initiative, along with a discussion of the pros and cons of this approach. Illustrate the strategies used in reaching global markets, and explain the role of multinational corporations. Discuss the changing landscape of the global market and the issue of offshore outsourcing. Explain why nations trade. Explain the importance of the global market and the roles of comparative advantage and absolute advantage in global trade. Illustrate the strategies used in reaching global markets, and explain the role of multinational corporations. Describe and explain the forces that affect trading in global markets. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of trade protectionism. Discuss the changing landscape of the global market and the issue of offshore outsourcing. TCO 4; Chapters 1, 2, 5, and 6; Weeks 1 and 4 Given understanding of entrepreneurship, be able to describe the major elements necessary for success, along with an understanding of the potential risks associated with starting a business venture. Describe the basic forms of business ownership. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships. Describe the differences between general and limited partners, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of partnerships. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of corporations, and summarize the differences between C corporations, S corporations, and limited liability companies. Describe the role entrepreneurs play in the creation of jobs. Explain why people take the risks of entrepreneurship; list the attributes of successful entrepreneurs; and describe entrepreneurial teams, intrapreneurs, and home- and web-based businesses. Analyze what it takes to start and run a small business. TCO 5; Chapters 13, 15, and 16; Week 5 Given a need to identify additional sources of revenue, be able to discuss the importance of the Internet to achieve this goal and the overall value of e-Commerce. Show how marketers use environmental scanning to learn about the changing marketing environment. Explain how marketers apply the tools of market segmentation, relationship marketing, and the study of consumer behavior. Discuss the four Ps of marketing. Define marketing and apply the marketing concept to both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Show how word of mouth, e-mail marketing, viral marketing, blogging, podcasting, and mobile marketing work. Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various advertising media, including the Internet and social media. Understand channel systems, and explain the various ways to build cooperation in them. TCO 6; Chapters 7, 9, and 10; Week 6 Given the need to improve human resource performance, describe a managerial approach to teamwork, empowerment, and effective communication to accomplish this objective. Describe and explain the four functions of management. Relate the planning process and decision making to the accomplishment of company goals. Describe the current state of U. S. manufacturing and what manufacturers have done to become more competitive. Describe and explain planning issues as they relate to a firm’s operations, including its employees. Show how managers put motivation theories into action through such strategies as job enrichment, open communication, and job recognition. Show how managers personalize motivation strategies to appeal to employees across the globe and across generations. Describe and explain the Mining Group Gold process. Given a need to understand how products are produced, describe the work performed by various departments in the production of a good to a final customer. Describe and explain operations management planning issues. Describe the various production processes, and describe techniques that improve productivity. Describe and explain how to use a PERT chart and a Gantt chart. Describe CAD, CAM, and CIM. Explain how flexible manufacturing is used. Describe and explain when to use lean manufacturing. Explain how mass customization can be used. What are ERP and MRP? How does vision apply to business? Explain and apply facility location and layout to business. TCO 8; Chapters 13, 15, and 16; Week 5 Given a need to understand the power of consumers, describe the role that Marketing can play to identify customer needs and desires that can be translated into better products. Describe the four eras in the evolution of marketing. Describe and explain the role of marketing managers and the marketing mix. Describe the marketing research process. Describe logistics and outline how intermediaries manage the transportation and storage of goods. Explain the concept of marketing channels and the value they add. Describe and explain supply chains. Describe business-to-business marketing (B2B) and the business-to-consumer sales process. Describe and explain how social media complements other promotions, including promotional strategies. Describe and apply market segmentation and target markets. TCO 9; Chapters 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, and Bonus Chapter B; Weeks 5 and 7 Given a need for timely and accurate data for decision-making, discuss the use of technology and ways in which the management of information can facilitate this goal. Describe and explain social media and Web 2. 0. Describe and explain privacy issues and stability issues as they apply to information networks. Describe some of the common types of information used by business. Describe and explain how information is managed. Explain knowledge management and how it can be applied in a business setting. Describe the types of computer software most frequently used in business. TCO 10; Chapters 17, 18 and Bonus Chapter B; Week 7 Given a need to understand a firm’s financial performance, be able to identify and explain the major elements contained within financial and accounting statements. Describe and explain business intelligence and how it is changing business. Describe and explain virtualization and cloud computing. Explain the different accounting disciplines. List, describe, and apply business financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows). Describe the roles and responsibilities of financial managers. How does auditing apply to business finance? What are the finance concerns for small businesses? List the types of financial budgets. A few general suggestions for taking the exam are as follows. Please save and save often as you complete your exam. Make sure your answer remains selected after you save as sometimes those dots do not fill in and stay selected. Do not submit your exam until you are satisfied with your results. Make sure you have a clock close by to judge your time. The exam should indicate your remaining time left, and every 15 minutes, you will be prompted to save. Have your textbook, course assignments, quizzes, and notes readily in front of you before you enter the exam. The exam is comprehensive, so all the chapters we covered from the course are included. The multiple answer questions are similar to those you experienced in the quiz in Week 6. As for the essay questions, you can expect to see the major topics covered in the course. Good Luck!
Friday, November 29, 2019
Macbeth Hero Essays - Characters In Macbeth, English-language Films
Macbeth Hero The character of Macbeth is a example of a tragic hero. There are many factors which contribute to the deterioration of Macbeth of which three will be discussed. The three points which contribute greatly to Macbeth's deterioration are the prophecy which was told to him by the witches, how Lady Macbeth influenced and manipulated Macbeth's judgment, and finally Macbeth's long time ambition which drove his desire to be king. Macbeth's growing character deterioates from a noble man to violent individual. The prophecies which were told by the witches were one of the factors which contributed to the deterioration of his character. If it had not been for the witches telling him that he was to be Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis, and King of Scotland, Macbeth would still be his ordinary self. As a result of the prophecies, this aroused Macbeth's curiosity of how he could be King of Scotland. As the play progresses, Macbeth slowly relies on the witches prophecies. The influence of Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth also contributed to his deterioration of character. Lady Macbeth's character in the beginning reveals that she is a lovable person. When Lady Macbeth was ready to kill King Duncan herself, it showed that Lady Macbeth could not murder King Duncan because he reminded her of her father. This proves that Lady Macbeth has a heart deep inside her. Lady Macbeth plays an important role in this play because she provided a scheme which caused Macbeth to assassinate King Duncan. After Macbeth had killed King Duncan, he later regrets on his wrong doing. At the point of this play the audience can note the change in Macbeth's character. Macbeth's first murder was a trying experience for him, however after the first murder, killing seemed to be the only solution to maintain his reign of the people of Scotland. Therefore, it was Lady Macbeth who introduced the concept of murder to Macbeth. Macbeth's ambition also influenced his declining character. However, Macbeth's ambition had not been strong enough to carry the motive to kill King Duncan. Lady Macbeth's influence also comes in to play because if not for Lady Macbeth, his ambition would not have been intensified enough to drive him to obtain and maintain his title of King of Scotland no matter what it took, even if it meant murdering. Macbeth's ambition influenced the cause of his new character. This new character of Macbeth contained greed, violence, and power hunger. Macbeth shows this when he kills King Duncan. In conclusion, the prophecies given to him by the witches, Lady Macbeth's influence and plan, and his intensified ambition, all contributed greatly to his deterioration of character which resulted to his downfall...death. Therefore Macbeth character displays strong signs of a tragic hero, making him the ideal classic example.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Louis XVI essays
Louis XVI essays I have chosen Louis XIV a.k.a. the *Sun King* as a good leader then opposed to the other leaders like Louis XVI or Marie Antoinette. His qualities are that he has some experience in military Might, he has great national pride, he has respect for the people of France, he has some control over France and he has the force of character. Although he has some bad qualities like that he has poor experience in economic strategy and knowledge of the country*s problems. He also has some experience in wars and learns from mistakes. His military might experience was better that the other rulers because he had some military experience and he lead his country with pride. He controlled nobles by building a palace and sending the nobles to live with him so they*re all in one place which makes keeping an eye on them a lot easier that sending spies (very wise and cunning). He saw himself as the centre of the French life/culture which also leads to him thinking that he was the nation which gave him high self esteem. The high self esteem made him no push over so he didn*t let everybody/anybody step all over him. He ruled in a serious and no-nonsense way which made him very powerful but eventually it lead to fights. He had no economic strategy but he was better than Marie Antoinette who had spent the country*s annual income for a diamond necklace which made the rest of the country suffer in poverty. She had no money left over from the scandal and could not feed a poor starving child. She also made high taxes to keep the country alive. He did not have any economic strategy but he did not make the mistake of putting himself before his people. The king tried to keep in touch with the nobles which gave him respect. He simultaneously kept in touch with the nobles and watched the nobles by building a palace and inviting nobles to live with him (more like an order). ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Environmental economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Environmental economic - Essay Example The propriety of using the adjusted net savings is evaluated. The paper sets off by stating the need for sustainability measurement and identifying the three most popular sustainability indicators. Thereafter, the discussion focused on its characteristics together with criticisms of the indicator. In the end, a brief discussion with reference to Solo’s and Beckerman’s criticism is included for verification of the indicator’s fitness as the sustainability measuring tool. Before moving further, it will be quite beneficial to first examine the need for such measurement. Current trend on national and global issues places environmental sustainability at the very core (Ollivier & Giruad, 2008). In equating sustainability with wealth and looking at the former from the capitalist’s approach, measurement guides policy maker into the future by being forward-looking (Atkinson). Major decisions are made from intelligent evaluation of trends and gathered statistics. It is important therefore that factors affecting any national or global issues be available in numerical form or visual trends such that decision makers need not labor more to understand the available information. To measure performance or verify the current standing, indicators are used by interested institutions and policy makers. Numerous environment and sustainability indicators were conceived depending on the interest group that conceptualized the measurement tool or data collection method. For sustainability measurement, three aggregate indicators are prominent, The Ecological Footprint (EF) of World-wide Fund (WWF) for Nature International, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) supported by the World Economic Forum while the Adjusted Net Savings (ANS) also known as Genuine Savings was developed and published by the World Bank (Ollivier & Giruad, 2008). The latter being a product of World Bank is receiving considerable interest and is the subject of this evaluation. The Adjus ted Net Savings is an attempt of the World Bank to measure true savings rate of an economy after factoring in investments from human capital, depletion of natural resources, and damage to the environment as a result from pollution. This indicator is not wholly dependent on environmental indicators but infuses some macroeconomic and social indicator as can be seen in the current equation (Bolt, et al, 2002): ANS = (GNS - Dh + CSE - ? Rn,i - CD) / GNI, where: ANS = Adjusted Net Savings Rate GNS = Gross National Saving Dh = Depreciation of produced capital CSE = Current (non-fixed-capital) expenditure on education Rn,i = Rent from depletion of natural capitali CD = Damages from carbon dioxide emissions GNI = Gross National Income at Market Prices. The above model suggests that sustainable economy is indicated by a positive or at the very least 0 ANS rating. For that to happen, the sum of gross national savings and expenditure on education must exceed the total amount of depreciation an d depletion and damages combined. All these factors are highly dependent on policies supported by an economy. It is highly important therefore to refer to ANS in evaluating or assessing the policies maintained with respect to sustainability as they indicate performance or direction to which an economy must thread on. As previously mentioned, it is advantageous to use ANS because of measurability.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Successful Enterprise in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Successful Enterprise in Russia - Essay Example However, Gorbachev created so-called cooperative enterprises that were allowed by the government. Highly volatility was observed in the institutional environment of the Russia. In many regions, market economy in support of weak institutions, and large variations were found regionally. In other words, the development of the private sector was affected by the corruption, bureaucratic harassment, as well as, racketeering adversely. Furthermore, financial intermediaries that were developed poorly also affected the development of the sector. "There is a push in Russia to advance the cause of the entrepreneur by providing classes that assist the population in learning how to develop their own business. Reports indicate that other European Universities will see as many as 70% of their higher education centers providing classes on business development". (Lindsay, 2006) Entrepreneurial development was not considered by the inherited ideology of the Russia, which was similar to a number of other centrally planned countries of the world. In the Soviet, speculators were equated with the period entrepreneurs. Furthermore, profit making by these entrepreneurs was considered as a criminal activity. Independent innovative culture was stifled by the ideology of the Soviet state. On the other hand, development of a punishment-oriented culture was done by the ideologists. In the result, corruption was created by the discretionary power of the officials. Bureaucratic means were used for the running of the economy. Thus, the appetite for risk taking was suppressed by the concentration of reward on plan attainment. (Ellman, 1994) "Throughout the history of enterprises Russian entrepreneurs did a remarkably good job of seeking out profit opportunities". (Paul, 1987) As a result, informal norms and values were combined with the weakness of formal institution enforcement, and a less-conductive environment was created in the result, which affected the development of new entrepreneurial firms adversely. In this regard, a number of existing barriers to entrepreneurship that are being confronted presently have been pointed out by many authors. Property rights enforcement has been lack in the Russia, which is one of the examples of these barriers. It has also been pointed out that the government officials have enriched their personal needs by the corrupt behavior that has characterized the grabbing hand model of government intervention, which has been emerging in the present Russia. Although the facilitation of exchange reducing transaction costs has been the one of the objectives behind the designing of the formal rules, different ways can affect the individuals, as well as, groups by them. "According to --------- As individuals -- and increasingly, collectively in grassroots organizations -- entrepreneurs in Russia are fighting back against the mediocrity and parasitism that is endemic in the country's public and commercial life. They are ideal fighters because entrepreneurs are the first to feel
Monday, November 18, 2019
Marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Marketing - Term Paper Example The company’s sales revenue had reached its peak in the year 2012 before the sales started declining. In the year 2013, the sales started increasing again. The sales clearly show product life cycle which involves four distinctive stages. The stages are introduction, growth, maturity, and then decline. Apple may have adopted a reformulation strategy to increase its sales potential and profitability (Niemann, 2009). The Company focuses on satisfying its customers rather than expanding its territory to new markets and promotes continuous improvement of quality product. Apple uses a strategy of creating anxiety amongst customers like it did for iPhone.The company announces almost every year the launch of a new series of the smartphone.The anticipation is not only felt in the headquarters, the US, but also in other nations such as the U.K. The company uses a similar model into in Europe. It also signed an agreement with a telecommunication company in France to be its business partner in the country. The policy of employing strategic alliance has proved effective because it has opened opportunities for the company (Mickalowski, Mickelson&Keltgen, 2014). The company analyzes the political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological environment in the target market. These set of forces are mainly outside the control and influence of the business and have the potential of positively or negatively affect Apple’s operation. In analyzing the political environment, an issue such as taxation is evaluated because it affects the expected revenues and setting prices. The economic environment is carefully scrutinized because it restricts business investment and growth. Socio-cultural environment affects the taste and marketability of the iPhone.The technological environment is very dynamic, and internet accessibility has increased and customers have many expectations.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Air Asia Consumer Buying Process
Air Asia Consumer Buying Process Introduction The Slogan of AirAsia goes as Now Everyone Can Fly. It is now the leading airline that was established in the year 2001 with the dream of making flying possible and achievable by everyone around any corner of the world. AirAsia managed to become one of the leading airline service providers despite facing the difficulties during the period of recession. They managed to create route networks that cover more than 20 countries which enables the consumers to travel around the globe. The vision of the leading airline company AirAsia is to be the largest low cost airline in Asia and serving the 3 billion people who are currently underserved with poor connectivity and high fares. This shows that the airline is focusing on the middle income earners as their target market. The missions of the AirAsia will be inspiring to many companies. One of the core mission of the airline company is to be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a big family. Besides that, another mission of the company is to create a globally recognized ASEAN brand. This will be a proud statement for the company that originates from Malaysia which enables the country to rise higher in global arena. Another mission of AirAsia is to attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with AirAsia. They are actually flying their talk because the one way tickets are sold at a remarkable price of RM 1 As the Marketing Director of AirAsia, the task has been given by the Managing Director to explain the impact of consumer buying process and its application to a marketer. 2.0 Definition of Consumer Buying Process Consumer buying process is simply the factors that influence the buyer to buy and consume certain product and services. The consumers will be facing some external and internal influence factors that make them to buy a certain product. The definition of consumer buying process goes as the buying behavior or the acts of people when it comes to buying a certain product or services. In this case, it is the consumer buying process or behavior when it comes to buying or using the AirAsia services. (Hammond, James. 2008) 3.0 Stages of the Consumer Buying Process. As there are phases when it comes to a product development, same goes to the consumer buying processes consist of six stages. The end result will be the purchase of the product or services but not all the consumers will be end up buying or purchasing the product but for a general assumption this is the stages that is involved when it comes to consumer buying behavior. The main six stages are problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, purchase and post purchase evaluation. (Hammond and James. 2008) 3.1 First Stage Problem or Need Recognition. As the name suggest it is the problem and the need recognition for the consumers in order to identify how to solve the particular problem or need. This is where they will be looking for a services or product that can solve their problem easily. The consumers will be facing problems such as the ticket price is very high. The price of the AirAsia ticket is cheaper compared to Malaysian Airlines and other airlines. Another problem that most consumers will face is the facilities that they can enjoy. Seem to be that the price is low for AirAsia ticket, the seats are too small and the consumers will not be able to sit comfortably. (Leventhal and Richard. 2006) 3.2 Second Stage Information Search It is the stage where the consumer will do his research about the product or services that can help to solve problem or the need of the consumer. A very good information research will lead the consumer to several alternatives of products or services. For an example, consumers can get more information about AirAsia through newspapers that have the advertisements of AirAsia. Besides that, consumers can find the information that they need through the website of AirAsia. Another form of information research that will be effective is through the Opinion Leaders where most consumers claimed to buy the tickets after hearing the experience of other consumers consuming the product or service. (Danziger and Pamela . 2006) 3.3 Third Stage Evaluation of Alternatives As the name suggests, the consumer will be evaluating all the possible alternatives or the services available through comparison method of price, quality and the services being offered in a way that can solve the need or problem of the consumer. There are many alternatives for consumers in the airline market such as Malaysian Airlines that can travel almost all parts of the world whereby the consumers who wants to travel to United States will not be able to enjoy the service through AirAsia because AirAsia does not offer route to that country. This will make the consumers to find an alternative such as Malaysian Airlines. (Danziger and Pamela . 2006) 3.4 Fourth Stage Purchase Decision This is where the consumer takes the decision to buy the services from a certain company after a deep evaluation and comparison. The consumers can buy the AirAsia tickets in a few methods such as through online purchase where the consumers can buy the ticket based on their preference and need. The consumer can even buy the tickets at their nearest AirAsia ticketing centre where the consumers can book the ticket and even purchase it with the information and support given by the salesperson. (Leventhal and Richard . 2006) 3.5 Fifth Stage Purchase This stage will be the part where the consumer buys the service or the product. The money is given for the service or the product that the consumer is going to consume. The consumers can buy the ticket of AirAsia by using their credit card where most consumers prefers online booking that allows them to choose the date with their own pace. The consumers can purchase the ticket months ahead of the date that can be done at the ticketing counter or online that is available in most parts throughout the country. (Wright and Len Tiu. 2006) 3.6 Final Stage Post Purchase Evaluation. To say it simple it is the outcome of the purchase of the product or services for the customer. Whether it is a satisfaction or dissatisfaction for the consumer. Consumers can even choose the meals that they prefer to have during their flight hours. This enables the consumers to make their journey a satisfactory journey that gives comfort and pleasure travelling by AirAsia. (Wright and Len Tiu. 2006) 4.0 Impact of consumer buying process. There are few impacts of consumer buying process or behavior. The impacts are from personal, psychological and also social. 4.1 Personal Impact From the aspects of personal there are many things that affect the consumer decision as their demographic factors, their sex, religion and also their race. Even their family also will affect their decision greatly. When it comes to buying AirAsia ticket, family members will tend to induce to buy for the low price. 4.2 Psychological Impact. There are few categories involved under the psychological impact as the motives of the consumer, the perception of the buyer, the ability and the knowledge of the user, the attitudes, the personality and also their lifestyle. This will be giving a greater impact to the decision process of the consumer. 4.3 Social Factors Social factors will be external factors that affect the consumer to buy a certain product or services. Some of the social factors are the opinion leaders, persons family, reference groups, social class and culture. They play an important role in the decision of the consumer to buy a certain product or services. 5.0 Application to a marketer. As a Marketing Director of AirAsia, there are several applications that can be made to ensure the consumers are satisfied and will buy the services more frequently. 5.1 Marketing Mix One of the ways of doing it is through the alteration of marketing mix according to the need and purpose of the consumers. The marketing mixes that as a marketer can use is the price, place, product and promotion. 5.2 Marketing Strategies Besides that, a very good marketing strategy will help the firm to attract more consumers. The marketer can analyze from where and what source of advertisements attracts the consumers and maintain the same concept which will be a guaranteed way of attracting more and more consumers that will lead to the profit and the success of the firm. 6.0 Conclusion Consumers have the rights to enjoy perfect and quality services for the price that they pay to companies. As the Marketing Director of AirAsia, the services that are being offered by AirAsia is solely for the satisfaction of the consumers and whenever there are some dissatisfaction in the service, immediately we will try to make changes to ensure the consumers get what they want. The buying process of the consumers have a greater impacts on marketing such as product price place and promotion. They way the consumers react to our services make us to be able to make changes and advertisements in the way that would ensure the consumers would like to get information. Therefore, besides profit, one of our ultimate goals is to give a satisfaction for more than what the consumers pay. By understanding the consumer buying process it will be able to reach AirAsia mission in future. Besides that Air Asia can accomplish their goal and objective by analyzing the consumer buying process which involves the six stages and the impact which consist of personal, psychological and social. Each stages able to identify consumer reaction or behavior towards the services. In addition by analyzing the trend and growth AirAsia can be a benchmark among the airlines industry. Moreover Air Asia will have greater improvement in terms of their weaknesses and focus on consumers needs and requirements by fulfill customer satisfactions.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Americas Involvement in the Soviet Afghan War Essay -- Iran War Ameri
America's Involvement in the Soviet Afghan War The worst case scenario for the United States in the late 70s and early 80s was the threat of the Soviet invasion of Iran and subsequent control of the Saudi Oil fields. The best that could be done to counter a possible Soviet invasion would have been the deployment of parts of the 82nd Airborne Division to the Zagros Mountains of Iran, which would take at least a week with reinforcements arriving much later. This was not acceptable to the Carter Administration, which decided on another course of action - to actively support the anti-Soviet Mujahideen â€Å"freedom - fighters†in Afghanistan and help protect the Middle Eastern oil fields. This American involvement in the Soviet Afghan war has led to the emergence of Al-Qaeda and the September 11th attacks. On December 24th 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. On that day began a war which wreaked incredible havoc and destruction on Afghanistan for 10 long years. The Soviets stormed in with thousands of troops at the request of the troubled Afghan Communist regime. The Russians believed this be a neat surgical military operation. They were wrong.(Boggs) The only resistance to the Soviet invasion were men known as the "mujahideen" known to many as freedom fighters. They are multinational; some even from America, doing everything in their power to repeal the Soviet horde. The Soviet invasion frightened neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, so they unofficially allied with the United States. The U.S. provided the weaponry, training, etc., Saudi Arabia recruited the fighters (mujahideen) which were sometimes based in Pakistan. They all agreed on the need for armed resistance against the Soviets. The U.S. decided to tap the religious vein of the rebels, creating a z ealous religiously driven guerrilla organization; well armed and trained by CIA officers with the goal of returning Afghanistan to Islamic purity.      The Mujahideen tactics were mostly composed of ambushes for Soviet convoys. They also implemented hit and run tactics against the Soviets.(Jalali, 20) The main battles were fought for convoys. Soviet forces were dependent on convoys for various reasons. Afghanistan had undeveloped industry making no possibility to manufacture spare parts in Afghanistan. Railways were nonexistent, so everything not airlifted was brought in through ... ...Lester Grau. Afghan Guerrilla Warfare. Fort Leavenworth: Foreign Military Studies      Office, 2001.      Nyrop, Richard, and Donald Seekins. Afghanistan, a country study. Secretary of the Army, 1986. Raman, B. MUCH ADO ABOUT A MISSILE . South Asia Analysis Group. April 10 2005 . Ross, Kelley. Islam. April 26, 2005 . Silverstein , Ken . Stingers, Stingers, Who's Got the Stingers? . Global Security. April 10 2005 . Steinman, Joshua. "America must engage Osama Bin Laden."      Chicago Maroon 06 Jan 2005. 03/04/05     /06/america_must_engage_.php . T-64 Tank. FAS. Ap 27 2005 .      Tamarov, Vladislav. Afghanistan: Soviet Vietnam. San Fransisco: Mercury House, 1992. Terrorism: Questions and Answers. Council on Foreign Relations. April 07, 2005      . The Beast. Videocassette. Columbia Pictures, 1988. Tuninga, John The Umayyad Caliphate. Bartleby. Ap 23 2005 .           Wolpert, Stanley. Roots of Confrontation in South Asia. New      York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Wuthnow, Robert . Islam. Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Ap 23, 2005 .
Monday, November 11, 2019
Cardiovascular Case Study: Atrial Septal Defect
Atrial Septal Defect(ASD) is a very large problem concerning the heart in its overall function. When the heart, being the core of the cardiovascular system, has issues; it effects the rest of the body as a result. The core of the problem resides in the atrial septum. Normally the heart is divided into four separate chambers. But a person with atrial septal defect has an atrial septum that allows the blood from the left side of the heart back into the right side. This results in increased pulmonary blood flow and diastolic overload of the right ventricle.By having this constant left-to-right shunt, it can alter the pulmonary vascular resistance leading to hypertension or even the reversal of the shunt itself. There are three types of Atrial Septal Defects: ostium secundum, ostium primum, and sinus venosus. The opening of the atrial septum may be small, on the count of the foramen ovale failing to close; or large, when the septum is completely absent from the heart itself. There is a v ery logical explanation between Ryans inability to gain weight, as well as not taking an interest in food during meals.His body isn't able to grow normally because the exchange of nutrients and waste products in his body is completely deficient. He isn't absorbing the adequate amount of nutrients that his body needs. Him being 11-months old, this causes a huge problem because nutrition is extremely important. His heart is working less efficiently, which makes the blood traveling throughout his body subsequently deficient as well. All of the systems in Ryans body are going to be affected by his diagnosis of Atrial Septal Defect. Ryans growth and development is not appropriate for his age.Ryan was born weighing 7lbs, and now, 11 months later he is 15. 4 lbs. He is close to being a 1 year old, and his birth weight should be a little less that triple the amount that he was at birth. Ryan should be approximately 21 lbs at his current age, leaving about a 5-6 lb deficit. Ryans parents sta ted that he doesn't crawl or attempt to stand because of the fact that he gets out of breath easily. This is being caused by the Atrial Septal Defect. All he can do is sit unsupported, which he should have been able to do at 8 months.At 11 months old, Ryan should be able to stand upright holding onto an adults hand, as well as feed himself finger foods and drink from a sippy cup. He should be able to pull himself up to a standing position as well. Also, sleeping after eating is just an indication of how much energy it is for him to complete a meal, which is making him uninterested in food overall. Again, all of these factors seem to be affected by his current diagnosis. Ryan is currently on Digoxin 200 micrograms and Furosemide 10 mg q day.He is prescribed Digoxin because this medication increases overall cardiac output as well as slowing the heart rate. This is good for Ryan, because at this point he is not receiving the appropriate amount of output needed for his growth and develo pment. Furosemide is a diuretic that treats fluid retention as well as hypertension. This is important because when there is a defect with the heart, pulmonary issues may occur when fluid retention begins. Also, Ryan is currently predisposed to hypertension because of his condition. Ryans current Potassium level was at a 2. 9 mml/L.Adequate levels of Potassium compared to his age should be at 3. 3-4. 7 mmol/L. Too little Potassium affects the hearts frequency as well as contractions. His Digoxin levels were tested to see if the medication was becoming toxic. He was at a 2. 6 ng/ml which is in the upper limits, but not enough to be considered toxic. Here are some examples of nursing diagnosis' that patients like Ryan would have: Risk for deficient fluid volume related to preoperative diarrhea. Impaired nutrition; less than body requirements. Decreased cardiac output related to pre-existing compromise in cardiac function.Fatigue related to decreased cardiac output. Nursing Diagnosis' for Ryan Post Operative would be: Risk for infection related to surgical incision. Acute pain related to post operative surgery. Impaired verbal communication related to age. Risk for aspiration related to immobility. Teaching is such a vital component in ensuring that all patients are fully aware of their medical condition. Ryan, being an 11 month old, the teaching must go to his parents. They will need to be supplied information about Atrial Septal Defect, surgeries involved, and the prognosis when completed.They will need specific information about the medications that Ryan is going to be on. They will need to be aware of the medications actions, side effects, and possible signs of toxicity/allergies. If Ryan were to have surgery, they would need to be taught how to care for the incision properly to avoid infection. They will need to know the signs and symptoms of infection. Last, they will need to ensure that they are constantly promoting proper growth and development with Ryan, so a daily plan must be made. That includes activities, diet, etc.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Turabian Style
Turabian Style Modern day language has been revolutionized by the use of Turabian style. From its roots in the Chicago Manual of Style, this guide has become standard use for students and professors today. With a hard slant towards academia, the Turabian style has become one of the most widely used methods of documentation. Perhaps one of the most important features of the Turabian Style is the Turabian manual itself. With its simple, straightforward language and comprehensive research paper guide, the manual is a universal resource for the modern writer. In fact, the Turabian manual guides the student through the entire process of writing, from start to finish. Critically Acclaimed Style Turabian style has also garnered acclaim as one of the best methods of documentation. Every solid academic paper needs sources, and Turabian style has one of the best methods of citation. In fact, the Turabian style has two alternatives for implementing documentation, to better suit the needs of the writer. If you are interested in learning more about Turabian style, you would benefit from purchasing Turabian style software. These computer programs and templates take the guesswork out of conforming to the Turabian method. You can begin learning as you perfectly format your papers, to one of the most widely used styles in academia.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The negative effects that poli essays
The negative effects that poli essays The negative effects that political correctness has brought upon the equal rights movement. In this day and age it has become increasingly difficult to escape the clutch of political correctness. One can find this silent antagonist in the media, the classroom, and even our own backyards. People who at one point were in a position of power now find it quickly slipping away at the mercy of this double-edged sword. Take for example: the middle aged white male, who at one point viewed his age/sex/race as an asset, now finds himself getting attacked on account of these very aspects; or women who have successfully furthered equal rights, yet they still expect to be treated exceptionally. When do we draw the line, and stand up for ourselves even at the risk at stepping on someones toes? Eventually our society will loose all respect for anything less then a full time career, at the high price, and possible destruction of the family unit. The purpose of political correctness essentially helps diminish all types of discrimination and cuts down on the tensions that keep people divided; however, out of this forced tolerance has emerged a backlash. The media, business world, and society at large in its futile attempts to promote equality often fuels the battle between the sexes. Perhaps this occurs due more out of fear of offending someone then anything else. In some cases this may even turn into reverse discrimination; for example, take the bus advertisement that one can see displayed on many if not all Toronto transit vehicles. This safety notice outlines one of the TTCs programs where women, after 9:00 pm can request that the driver stop between bus stops so she can be let out. Now I am not disagreeing that this vital service helps increase the feeling of security for those women who are traveling late at night. However upon seeing this ad, am I supposed to understand that men, cannot be in danger; men never find ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Preliminary Research Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Preliminary Research Design - Assignment Example However, once a business has been operating for an amount of time, they begin to rely on their customers to help their business continue to strive. Of course, customers are only a small part of the business, but the way that customers are treated will have a direct impact on the way that the business grows. Many businesses understand the relationship of customers to loyalty, but many do not see that it makes much difference in the way they do business. In the old days, there was a phrase that everyone seemed to use: "The customer is always right." But today, this may not be the case for every business. Customer satisfaction will automatically lead to customer loyalty if customers are treated well. Theoretical Framework Most business people understand that the relationship that they build with their customers will either bring them back to the business or make them go to someone else. The most important factor for them to remember is that there is a relationship between customer satis faction and loyalty. The idea of customer satisfaction can be defined in many different ways. ... Some researchers suggest that defining customer satisfaction means that quality of the product is important to customer satisfaction. Although this is one component that points to customer satisfaction, it is not the only one that can be seen in developing this concept. In order to define customer satisfaction, a research must look a several issues that create good customer service. Roethlein and Wicks (2009) suggest that one of those components is quality. Whether it is a product or a service, there are certain elements of quality service that most customers will expect. Customers satisfaction connects to customer loyalty which in turn connects to costumer retention. In each situation, customers are the major part of why a business or service works well and continues to thrive, especially in difficult economic times. According to Dubrovski (as cited in Roethlein and Wicks, 2009), consumer satisfaction is the most important aspect of profit because it is through customer satisfaction that profits are made. In other words, the more satisfied customers are, the more they want to purchase from the company. Kumar, Petersen, and Leone (2010) suggest that when customers are satisfied with a product or service, they will tell other people about it and they will refer them to the business. They devised a formula to decide what customers had the highest value for referrals and applied it to their research. They found that customers who had a high level of referral possibility only needed to have one form of advertising come to them because if they liked the business enough, they would automatically refer people to it. These different theories of how researchers see customer satisfaction makes it difficult to devise a strong independent or dependent variable for what
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Financial Analysis for Managers II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Analysis for Managers II - Essay Example It is a fixed amount paid on annual basis (Myers & Allen, 2005). This amount might be constant for a certain period of time or may have a steady trend for some time and may fluctuate otherwise. The annuities and the time value of money are related and affected by certain factors. These are as follows; Interest rates are the prevailing charges of availing the facility of the capital that might have been invested in an interest generating instrument or a bank account. The interest rates of advancing loans and paying on the deposits are different and that the difference is actually the monetary reward of utilizing that capital. However, the actual value of money, even when the principal amount is added up with the total interest amount received as an annuity, is normally different from what it was at the time of blocking that money into the respective reserve under question. This may have a different affect on the compounded interest approach. Since the interest is compound, therefore it yields a higher amount at each step and thus even the actual value of the total of that amount might be more than the amount actually invested depending on the terms, policies and interest rates. This introduces the concept of the present value of future payments and/or income(s) that are expected to be received (Myers Allen, 2005). This means that the present value always differs from the future value. The idea is also related to the fact about the future value of any of the long term and/or even short term investments that were made. They will seldom be equal in real terms, even when they seem to be equal as an annuity. The most commonly applied model of the time value of money is our same old compounded interest model. An amount of money 'C' for 't' years at a rate of interest of 'I'% (where interest of 15 percent" is expressed also as 0.15) compounded on annual basis, the present value of the receipt of C, t years in the future, is: Ct = C(1+i)-t = C/(1+i)t The expression (1 + i)t is a generic form of calculating almost al sorts of present value. Where the interest rate is deemed to be something which is not constant figure over the period of the investment(s), different values for 'I' may respectively be used; an investment over a two year period would then have PV (Present Value) of: PV = C(1+i1)-1.(1+i2)-1 Present value is additive. This means that the present value of a bundle of cash flows is the sum of each individual's present value. If there are no risks involved in the project i.e. the project is deemed to be risk free, the expected/forecasted rate of return from the project must equal or exceed this rate of return or else it would be better to rather invest the capital investment in these (potentially) risk free assets. If there are risks involved in any such investments or a project ventures this can be reflected through the use of a 'risk premium'. The risk premium that is required can easily be found by comparing the investment with the rate of return required from other similar projects with similar risks (Ross & Westerfield, 2007). Thus it is possible for almost all investors to take account of any uncertainty or risk factor
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Improving the Performance of a Team Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Improving the Performance of a Team - Assignment Example Technical factors include understanding the mission, spelling out goals, and developing activities critical to success of the goal. To improve the functioning of a particular team, these factors have to be addressed. The following steps go towards improving the performance of a team. A project team is subject to group dynamics because of an assembly of individuals with diverse talents and commitments. The most common problems faced by work teams arise from: Different points of view, role conflicts, implicit power struggles, and groupthink which compromises decisions in favour of unanimity. (Nurick, 2001) There are many other problems that may arise due to behavioural and skill factors. Performance measures need to be devised taking both performance factors and process factors into account. The performance measures would measure the performance/outcome factors which may be: Team cohesion; Improvement orientation like creativity, forward thinking, proactivity; and Team achievements. Team process factors, which also affect the performance of a team includes factors such as: Team relationships, team focus, approach to performance, leadership style, team discipline, team decision making, team confidence, value of contributions, decision focus, social contact, process focus, and lastly, consistency. Team performance is also related to attractiveness of performance, agreement with team goals, team goal level, and willingness to use cross-training, perceived participation, team efficacy, and team commitment. Some factors which also need to be measured are: 1. Team member dispositions - Studies have indicated that employees' need for achievement, need for affiliation, aggressiveness towards other people and the value placed on autonomy affect the team in a lot of ways. 2. Team process skills - process skills include skills like communication, leadership, goal setting, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills. 3. Employee perceptions about the team - This includes perceptions about team efficacy, and perceived participation. 4. Goals and goal commitments - this includes factors like team goal level, goal commitment, agreement with team goal, and performance expectations. 5. Attractiveness of performance and self efficacy. (Scott and Townsend, 1994) Measures that take the above factors into account can help assess how the team would fare in a task and what is to be done to improve its performance. Step 2: Making the Team and Planning Work Activities The second step to enhancing team performance involves the selection and training of the team and planning the work activities for the team. Selection: To ensure team effectiveness one criterion for selection of members of a team is interpersonal skills. Other criteria would include the member disposition, member skill sets, commitment to goals, and other such factors. This can be done by using the performance measures devised in the first step. Training: The next step would involve training the team in product knowledge, time management; interpersonal skills like listening, assertiveness, and conflict management skills; creativity; meeting deadlines; energy and determination; reporting and administration; personal appearance and image; steadiness under pressure, and such other factors. In addition to receiving training in skills they should be empowered to use
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Author of Her Book by Anne Bradstreet Essay Example for Free
The Author of Her Book by Anne Bradstreet Essay The debate starts with an argument among two people, DeSean and Sole. Sole was trying to help DeSean through a spiritual crisis and trying to answer the question in such a way that it would have been treated if it were posed before Jesus, hence focusing on what Jesus might have done when found in the same situation. The theological debate for this argument is: â€Å"How do we reconcile the fact that Jesus Christ was fully God with the fact that Jesus was fully human? Christians believe that Jesus was fully man and God at the same time, formalized by the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451. Arianism believed by the Jehovah witness is that Jesus was the first and greatest creation of God. Muslims on the other hand simply believe Jesus is just a prophet of God, but in all most people believe in Jesus Christ’s divinity and humanity at the same time. A group holds Kenotic Christology which explains God had to empty himself to become fully human, thus God laid is omniscience and became fully man. Two essays which offered defense of the classical Christological position and defense of the kenotic Christological position The Classical view where some Theologians agreed that Jesus was at and the same time omnipresent yet spatially located omnipotent but limited in power. Some evangelicals believe that Jesus was fully God and fully human, and insist that he laid aside the use of is divine attributes in order to become a human, whiles retaining his divine holiness and love temporarily whiles slowly releasing his divine attributes. While the Paradoxical concluded that Christ God was not only God and human but, but he also exercised his divine and human attributes. The Kenotic View is such that God became a human being. This view holds the point that God the father laid down his heavenly powers and made himself available hence making himself human like us. Thus, Jesus did not cease to be the Second person in the Trinity but put aside his power to be able to serve his purpose on earth. This argument was supported by (2:5-8),explaining that even though Jesus was in the Likeness of God he did not take advantage and make himself equal with him. And as such should be our mindset that even though Jesus came on earth us a human being, we should make ourselves equal with him as his spiritual attributes is still in place. Jesus did not have an idea about what was going to happen as in when he was going to return but still kept his duties on earth. As he left his riches, thus he who once rich became poor so we could become rich, the kenotic View gives believers a logical reason for Jesus being human and God as compared to Christology. It also makes believers take Jesus humanity on a more serious level. Even with tis view there were objection made about the Kenotic view such the undermining of Christ’s divinity, how Jesus did his miraculous deeds if it’s said he did not have his divine power and Paul’s interest in metaphysical.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Tourism Laws And Regulations Tourism Essay
Tourism Laws And Regulations Tourism Essay Ensure the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology through the promotion of activities geared towards environmental protection, conservation and restoration. An introduction to environmental law, Environmental law is a complex and interlocking body of international treaties, statutes, regulations, and common law or national legislation that operates to regulate the interaction of humanity and the natural environment, toward the purpose of reducing the impacts of human activity. The topic may be divided into two major subjects pollution control and remediation, and resource conservation and management. Laws dealing with pollution are often media-limited, pertain only to a single environmental medium, such as air, water, soil and control both emissions of pollutants into the medium, as well as liability for exceeding permitted emissions and responsibility for cleanup. Laws regarding resource conservation and management generally focus on a single resource, natural resources such as forests, mineral deposits or animal species, or more intangible resources such as especially scenic areas or sites of high archeological value, and provide guide lines for and limitations on the conservation, disturbance and use of those resources. Furthermore, many laws that are not exclusively environmental nonetheless include significant environmental components and integrate environmental policy decisions. Municipal, state and national laws regarding development, land use and infrastructure are examples. Environmental law draws from and is influenced by principles of environmentalism, including ecology, conservation, stewardship, responsibility and sustainability. Pollution control laws generally are intended to protect and preserve both the natural environment and human health. Resource conservation and management laws generally balance the benefits of preservation and economic exploitation of resources. From an economic perspective environmental laws may be understood as concerned with the prevention of present and future externalities, and preservation of common resources from individual exhaustion, the limitations and expenses that such laws may impose on commerce, and the often unquantifiable benefit of environmental p rotection, have generated and continue to generate significant controversy. The Tourism Act of 2009 the State declares tourism as an indispensable element of the national economy and an industry of national interest and importance, which must be harnessed as an engine of socio-economic growth and cultural affirmation to generate investment, foreign exchange and employment, and to continue to mold an enhanced sense of national pride for all Filipinos. First is to ensure the development of Philippine tourism that is for and by the Filipino people, conserve and promote their heritage, national identity and sense of unity, Second is to recognize sustainable tourism development as integral to the national socio- economic development efforts to improve the quality of life of the Filipino people, providing the appropriate attention and support for the growth of this industry, Third is to promote a tourism industry that is ecologically sustainable, responsible, participative, culturally sensitive, economically viable, and ethically and socially equitable for local c ommunities, Fourth is to create a favorable image of the Philippines within the international community, thereby strengthening the countrys attraction as a tourism destination and eventually paving the way for other benefits that may result from a positive global view of the country, Fifth is to develop the country as a prime tourist hub in Asia, as well as a center of world congresses and conventions, by promoting sustainable tourism anchored principal on the countrys history, culture and natural endowments, and ensuring the protection, preservation and promotion of these resources, and sixth is to encourage private sector participation and agricultural-tourism for countryside development and preservation of rural life. B. Environmental Law related to Tourism Mining in the Philippines To encourage any and all communities and local authorities adversely affected by mining impacts to continue to explore and pursue all avenues available within the law at local, national and international levels to register their concerns and aspirations and seek redress for wrongs. And to continue the support to all parties in future efforts to realize a national path to sustainable development based on justice. To reflect the other viewers, of the many people they met in the Philippines and the views of the people and organizations. CONCERNS AND CONFLICTS Mining has a very poor record in the Philippines as a result of the massive social and environmental problems it has caused historically. Some organizations reveal the Philippines to be among the worst countries in the world with regard to tailings dam failures whereby the surface impoundments containing the toxic waste from the mining process failed with disastrous consequences for local people and the environment. In spite of this the Government of the Philippines has been pursuing an aggressive policy to revitalize the mining industry, potentially opening 30 per cent of the countrys land area to mining. It has promised that mining will be carried out to full international standards and that environmental and social problems will be addressed effectively. The government has conducted mining road shows across the globe. Incentives for foreign firms make their operations effectively tax-free for the first five years. Billions of dollars in investments have been promised and a total o f 2,000 mining permit applications are pending. Mining is targeted for many upland areas where it would further reduce forest cover and leave a toxic heritage for succeeding generations. Natural hazards are common in the Philippines, with major portions of the country classified as natural disaster hotspots. Much of its mineral resources lie either in areas of rich biodiversity, in geo hazard zones or within the ancestral domain of indigenous peoples. Responsible mining, in accordance with international best practice, is simply not being observed in the country. Despite the legal frameworks and guidelines, in practice mining applications are considered for watershed areas. Mining is also pursued in conflict zones, the combination of inadequate protection measures and natural hazards can be and has been catastrophic. The countrys record of mining accidents is evidence of this. Most infamous is the Marcopper disaster of 1996, on Marinduque Island, when a mine tailings spill of more than four million metric tons of waste caused widespread flooding and damage to farm lands and property. Villages were evacuated and an estimated 20,000 people along the Boac River were affected. The river was subsequently declared biologically dead. More recently, following spills of cyanide and tailings at Rapu-Rapu Island the governments current mining showcase in Albay, Southern Luzon, an independent commission established by the Government found the company guilty of negligence and recommended that the mining operation be closed down. The government failed to do this and the mine remains open. Most of the Philippines mineral resources are located within the ancestral doma in of its indigenous peoples. Witnessed at first hand the havoc mining is wreaking on the livelihoods, health and human rights of indigenous peoples and other local communities. It also has the potential for massive environmental damage to critical water catchment areas, thousands of hectares of agricultural land and the valuable marine environment. Given the rapidly growing population, which is projected to rise from 84 million to 150 million by 2036, the destruction of these vital ecosystems will have serious implications for the food security and future sustainable development of the country. Unless the water catchment areas are protected and forests are replanted on a massive scale with native species, it is estimated that at least 50 per cent of sustainable agriculture, which require irrigation, will be lost. There are many vocal advocates for the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities and protection of the environment. The development of mining under current circumsta nces is understandably a major and controversial issue. There have been many legitimate expressions of concern and opposition. Even in Congress strong voices are calling for amendments to the mining law. Some people in government and in corporations, however, have labeled critics of these policies as anti-mining and leftist. In the context of the ongoing armed conflict in the Philippines between government and left-wing guerrilla forces, it is feared that such labeling is viewed by some in the military as an incitement to action. Hundreds of people labeled in this way, including many involved in peaceful and legitimate criticism of mining projects and policies, have been killed and targeted for execution. One human rights organization has recorded more than 70017 extra-judicial killings since 2001, with many human rights and environmental activists among the victims. For me we must consider very carefully the ways in which we can help other nations not to harm the environment. Richer nations can criticize the poorer ones for destroying their forests and ravaging their land, even though the more affluent nations contribute to that destruction. Existing international economic structures are such that nations in the third world are forced into using up their natural resources. My own conclusion from the visit was that I have never seen anything so systematically destructive as the mining programmed in the Philippines. The environmental effects are catastrophic as are the effects on peoples livelihoods. Hotel and Tourism Management is affected in the current Laws in the Philippines Sustainable tourism development refers to the management of all resources that meets the needs of tourists and host regions while protecting the opportunities for the future, in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems. Philippine laws govern the rights and obligations of stakeholders in the hospitality and tourism industry. It provides for their rights, liabilities and even benefits as prescribed by law. These are various laws governing Philippine tourism, including the various government agencies involved therein. It will also provide current situation existing in the tourism, travel and hospitality industry which may be analyzed, interpreted and resolved applying existing jurisprudence and legislation. The recent bus hijacking in the Philippines certainly wasnt the finest moment for Manilas Finest, as the Philippine capitals police force likes to call itself. In a city run by a former police officer, a disgraced cop takes a busload of Chinese tourists hostage. The responding police contingent drags its feet, bungles the negotiations, flubs its first rescue attempt, and succeeds only after eight hostages have died at the hands of the hijacker, who is finally killed by a sniper shot that came far too late in the day. Days after the situations bloody resolution, tempers are high in Hong Kong and China, Filipinos ponder how their government has failed them, and the world is asking if any foreign traveler is safe when visiting Manila or the Philippines. Its a fair question; Filipinos will be the first to acknowledge that their famously congested capital city is rife with crime, and local institutions are ill-equipped to handle the caseload. Despite the authorities concerted efforts, gan gs continue to prey on naÃÆ'Â ¯ve travelers, using deception or force to rob their victims or worse. Individual attacks against foreigners hit the news stream from time to time Peace Corps volunteer Julia Campbell was killed while hiking through Ifugao Province in 2007. Tellingly, the head of the Philippines Department of Justice blamed the victim, calling Campbell a little irresponsible for walking unescorted in the mountains. More recently, expats in Angeles City were targeted by a serial killer who coveted their expensive electronics; the suspect had originally been arrested once before, but was set free by the police for unknown reasons. These cases demonstrate a chilling fact tourists in the Philippines cannot expect the same support from the authorities that she might take for granted in places like Hong Kong or Singapore. Not only is the peace-and-order situation in the Philippines far more volatile than in more developed parts of Southeast Asia, the Philippine governments response to tourist safety situations has proven to be problematic, and not even the newly-elected government looks set to solve these problems anytime soon. It only indicates that our law enforcement agencies have few capabilities to handle situations like this, says Banlaoi, noting the incidents tremendous impact on the Philippines tourism industry and the countrys ability to attract foreign investment. This situation is particularly galling considering that the government is targeting tourism as a key growth area. Just as more Filipinos are staking their economic future on a growing influx of tourists, the hijacking incident is seen to dash any hopes of a resurgence of tourism in the Philippines. The Philippines Department of Tourism had earlier projected increased tourist arrivals of 15 percent for the year 2010, up from 8.9 million arrivals last year. The increased number still pales compared to Thailands fifteen million arrivals in the same time period only time will tell if the Department of Tourism will have to revise those figures downward. The DOTs optimism seems hard to sustain in the face of systemic weakness in the Philippines tourism infrastructure. Its not for lack of trying; investors poured $1.3 billion into the Philippine tourism industry between 2000 and 2009, creating 3 million tourism-related jobs in the process, or about 10% of total jobs in the Philippines. That means one in ten jobs in the Philippines will be affected by any tourism downturn caused by news of the hijacking. In the short term, visits have already been affected by the recent news. Thousands of canceled bookings have been reported from tour operators and hotels from all around the Philippines; Boracay operators may lose between P7 million to P10 million due to over 800 cancellations from wary Chinese tourists. On the other hand, other travel groups originating from China have adopted a wait-and-see attitude, quoting Asiatravel.coms David Boh as saying: Normally people will travel from October onwards, so it is still a month away. So what some of our guests are doing is waiting to see how the situation turns out. Some of the guests, what they do is that they purchase additional travel insurance.Pessimists in the local tourism industry worry that the Philippines, never a popular destination at any rate, will remain the purview of courageous backpackers, an even bigger tourism backwater than Laos. Lacking consistent support from the government, tour operators and professionals in the Philippines have taken it on themselves to do damage control in the wake of the hijacking. The Philippines attractions notwithstanding, visitors to the country must perform a delicate calculation, weighing the fun to be had in places like El Nido against the perceived negatives. Certain factors, more than others, will likely come into play. Lack of tourist infrastructure, despite the massive investment poured into tourist destinations, much of the infrastructure that tourists take for granted in other countries still doesnt exist in the Philippines. The Philippine tourism industry is insufficiently centralized, isolating competent travel enterprises and allowing incompetent operators to keep working without sufficient oversight. Strengthen the role of tourism councils and encourage the participation of non-government organizations (NGOs), peoples organizations (POs) and the private sector in initiating programs for tourism development and environmental protection. Tourism Management can help improved the current situations in the Philippines Although often underestimated, the tourism industry can help promote peace and stability in developing countries by providing jobs, generating income, diversifying the economy, protecting the environment, and promoting cross-cultural awareness. Tourism is the fourth-largest industry in the global economy. However, key challenges must be addressed if peace-enhancing benefits from this industry are to be realized. These include investments in infrastructure and human capacity, the development of comprehensive national strategies, the adoption of robust regulatory frameworks, mechanisms to maximize in-country foreign currency earnings, and efforts to reduce crime and corruption. Tourism is a thriving global industry with the power to shape developing countries in both positive and negative ways. The tourism sector has remained robust despite the transnational challenges posed by terrorism, health pandemics, and the global financial crisis. It is up to developing nations to seize the eco nomic opportunities that foreign visitors present, and some countries have proved more adept than others at doing so. Tourism can only achieve the above goals if it respects the environment and places host communities at the center of the development process. Responsibility lies with the governments of developing nations to ensure that tourism grows in a sustainable manner. While tourism can be a force for good both in alleviating poverty and helping to cement peace much depends on the way the sector is planned and managed. Tourism, if properly planned and managed, can help to alleviate poverty and stabilize communities. For that to happen, positive action must be taken by main constituencies host communities, host governments, and foreign stakeholders. Communities should know where their comparative advantage lies whether it is in wildlife, waterfalls, or wineries and focus their development strategy around it, rather than expanding into areas that they think will attract visitors but with which they are unfamiliar. Focus on keeping themselves at the center of their development strategy. This will ensure local ownership of projects and help to keep profits in house. Community-based tourism is also more sustainable and helps to provide the type of authentic experience that most tourists are looking for. Work on enhancing capacity, in both physical infrastructure and human capital. Protect the environment and culture. Communities should remember at all times that it is the beauty of the surroundings in w hich they live the richness of their culture, and the diversity of their wildlife that attracts visitors in the first place. A percentage of the wealth that tourism generates should be spent to preserve these qualities. Establish national tourism strategies and put in place robust laws to protect tourist sites and people who work in the tourist industry. They should also ensure that these laws are enforced. National standards should be established for the tourism industry and its employees should receive periodic training and guidance. Address bottlenecks and constraints. In many developing countries, tourism is undermined because no single government branch has overall responsibility for it. A government should ensure that its tourism sector is not undermined by competing or overlapping departments, at either the national or local levels. Have a creative marketing strategy for the tourist industry. The global tourism trade is highly competitive. Developing countries need to think a bout what sets them apart from other potential destinations and focus on marketing these distinctive qualities. Having a clear focus will also make it easier to attract foreign investment and visitors. Ecotourism could provide a blueprint for managing this process, as it not only builds entrepreneurial skills at a local level but also links community members to the larger world in ways that create knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of other peoples.
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